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100+ doodles from the last two years

the story

I started keeping a sketchbook my a couple years ago to try and get rid of my fear of drawing and it worked pretty quickly. I soon noticed constantly doodling ended up helping with other stuff too like getting my ideas down faster and thinking them through a little bit more. So I always try and keep a sketchbook with me and I love looking back on old ones.  This giant collage was pulled from over fifty pages of the sketchbooks I've for the past two years.

the sketchbooks

Illustration | Ryan Ashkenase

some pages

Illustration | Ryan Ashkenase

some details

Illustration | Ryan Ashkenase
Illustration | Ryan Ashkenase
Illustration | Ryan Ashkenase
Illustration | Ryan Ashkenase
Illustration | Ryan Ashkenase
Illustration | Ryan Ashkenase
Illustration | Ryan Ashkenase
Illustration | Ryan Ashkenase
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